Friday 1 January 2016


Yaounde- December 30 2015
The suspected female human trafficker arrested in Bamenda, North West Region, on December 8 2015, is now languishing at the Kondengui Central Prison in Yaounde.
Ivoline Ngwijong, was transferred to the prison cells in Yaoundé few days after her arrest. She is awaiting trial and has been charged with human trafficking.
Ivoline: Just a Suspect?
Reports say the government has given tough conditions for bail, with sources close to the suspect quoting her as denying allegations against her.
Ivoline Ngwijong’s arrest came on the heels of complains from several Cameroonian girls to Kuwait and the Middle East, from where they return to the country with stories of torture and abuse.
The arrest of Ivoline is said to have divided the girls in Kuwait who for the most part are Kadamas (house helps).
The government of Cameroon about a month ago arrested two other suspected human traffickers in Kumbo area who are still been detained for similar offenses.

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