Saturday 2 January 2016


Another suspected human trafficker of girls to Kuwait has been picked up by security forces. The suspect is said to have been visiting Cameroon for the festive period when she was nabbed in Limbe, South West Region of Cameroon.

Vivian Fonge: Gov't Needs Explanations
 “ She is been detained and we have to carry out proper investigations to establish her involvement in the trafficking and smuggling of girls to Kuwait and the Middle East countries; Lebanon, Bayreuth, Saudi Arabia and others.  We are also questioning many returnees and victims who are giving us testimonies of how some of the so-called agents collected huge sums of money from these poor Cameroons. Some of the agents return home and hide themselves thinking they are too smart. The government machinery grinds slowly but surely,” the security source said.
Other Cameroonians who are in Kuwait paint controversial pictures about the suspected human trafficker identified as Vivian Fonge. “It’s that woman who claimed how she is helping girls though very wicked.” “She helped me when I escaped from my slave home to the Central African Republic embassy,” said two different sources.
Recognised by Cameroonian Gov't?
Other reports suggested the suspect, Vivian Fonge is said to have been ‘working’ closely with the Cameroon Embassy in Ryad, Saudi Arabia which has diplomatic jurisdiction over all Middle East countries. “We are surprised that she has been arrested because she is the one who was holding meetings with Cameroonian diplomats each time they visited Kuwait from Ryad. Remember she printed the T-shits of the Cameroon Association in Kuwait and was been referred to by many as ‘President’” one other Kuwait returnee hinted.
Requests to get Cameroon officials in Ryad explain the relationship they had with the suspect have remained unanswered, though it is reported that she was simply saving her face by trying to bring Cameroonian girls together. 

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